Representatives of the ARICA project, CBK PAN and UW, had the opportunity to travel to Bangladesh and promote the results of the ARICA project.

Additionally, cooperation with Jagannath University has been strengthened and a new collaboration with Khulna University was established. The extensively planned visit led to the identification of new research topics.

The trip began with a visit in the Mirpur slum area on March 1st, where the participants became acquainted with the local issues and collected reference data for future potential geospatial analyses of this area.

On March 2nd and 3rd , the 2nd International Conference on Environment – Time for Nature and Natural Resource Management took place in Khulna, featuring two presentations promoting the ARICA project, including one on a joint research initiative with the EOTiST project:

  • ARICA & EOTiST: "Multi-temporal ecosystem changes monitoring: the case study of Kutupalong-Balukhali settlement area"
  • ARICA: "ARICA – A multi-directional analysis of refugee/IDP camp areas based on HR/VHR satellite data"

ARICA project representatives also served as Chairperson and Co-chairperson in a technical session and actively participated in the event's summary as representatives of the international delegation.

On March 3rd, representatives of the ARICA project also visited the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, the largest mangrove forest in the world.

The visit to Bangladesh was concluded with a seminar organized by the Department of Geography and Environment, Jagannath University, Dhaka, on March 3rd. The event featured a presentation of the ARICA project: "ARICA – A multi-directional analysis of refugee/IDP camp areas based on HR/VHR satellite data" and the gathering of feedback from the end-users of the ARICA Online Geoplatform.